
Summer Cool Down Tips to Balance Your Pitta Dosha

    Signs and Symptoms of Pitta Dosha Out of Balance

In the summer pitta dosha is elevated the quickest.  Pitta governs our skin.  If your skin easily breaks out with acne, hives, or rashes this is a sign you have Pitta skin.  You may sunburn easily or even prone to sun spots.  Your bowels may become loose, diarrhea, or experience a burning sensation with elimanation.  Pittas’ have a tendency towards acid indigestion, heart burn, regurgitation, and burning feet.  When we get heated up in our mind you may become irritable, judgmental, angry, or violent.  This group of examples are symptoms you may feel off and on through out the whole year when your Pitta is out of balance. Below are a few ways to remedy your situation.

If you would like more information on these issues now would be a great time for an Ayurvedic Consultation!  I have worked with many individuals in restoring their body, mind and digestion to optimal health.

Summer Cool Down Tips to Balance Your Pitta Dosha

When you know you are going to be in the hot sun all day, it is helpful to wear white, different shades or blue, and violet.  All three of these colors are cooling to the mind and body.

      Essential oils to keep in your range of reach is Lavenden.  Lavenden is sweeter then regular Lavendar and tridoshic.  Sweet pacifies Pitta.  Sandelwood is tridoshic and cooling.

  When out in the heat wear a damp wet scarf or bandana around your neck.  Carry Rose Water with you to sprits your face and body.  In your water add a sprig of mint or a few pieces of cucumber into your glass both are cooling.

When it comes to the mind over heating you might experience irritability or judgement.  If this occurs the above tips will help you and drink a coconut water.   If you experience loose stools, acid indigestion, heartburn, and sunburn or any of the above symptoms follow the suggestions below.

      Avoid hot spicy foods, fermented food, citrus fruit and sour fruit.  Favor cooling foods such as green leafy veggies, cilantro, coconut, lime, sweet fruit, pomegranate juice, red apples, red grapes, and legumes, and aloe vera. Cook with Ghee or Coconut oil. Both are cooling.

     Jewelry: Silver is cooling.  If your mind becomes irritable, judgmental, or angry wear silver.  When your skin is prone to rashes and acne silver is best.  You may wear a pearl which purifies the blood, helps with inflammation, and protects the mind against anger. Moonstone brings moon energy.  Calms and cools the mind.  Relates to human emotions and affects bodily water.  Helps heal emotional stress at new moon and full moon. Amethyst increases love, compassion, hope, and protection.  Amethyst controls the mind of emotional temperment.

For more in depth information book a consultation with Nickole Gonzales.  I look forward to assisting you with your health and wellness!